We are currently having a short break. You're welcome to submit after March 13th. All the best!

Music Feedback


Why you would like to get feedback:

I would like to get feedback on my song or demo.

I would like an objective A&R to give me feedback, not just my friends who will say what they think I want to hear.

I would like to know what I can improve, not only from a technical perspective, but also from a songwriting and general perspective.

Link to music

Give us a streaming link to the music you would like us to review. Soundcloud and YouTube is great. No download links, mp3s or link to a download!

Social Media

Only necessary for career advice




How come you charge for giving me feedback?

In an ideal world, being able to help all of you for free would be awesome! However, we’re a small team and you guys send us over 30 demos a day. Not to mention the ton of work we do for our signed artists! This makes giving feedback to each demo we receive an impossible job. Besides, with every comment on your music, we’re also providing you with years of professional training and work experience.

Who reviews my demo?

A member of the Rexius Records team of producers and A&Rs with years of experience in the music industry in USA and Sweden.

What kind of genres do Rexius Records give feedback on?

We give feedback on all the major genres like Pop, Rock, EDM, Hip/Hop, Singer/Songwriter, Country, Folk, Metal, Soul, R&B, Urban, Jazz and Blues and their subgenres. If you send us Nintendocore we might be a little confused though.

What kind of criteria does Rexius Records pay attention to?

We listen to your demo from the point of view of a record label, which means we pay attention to the stuff that qualifies an artist for a signing. In order to make our feedback as objective as possible, we have several specific aspects we focus on, such as:


  • Songwriting: Everything from the form to the harmony and the melody, hook, etc.
  • Recording: Includes aspects such as your musical performance and recording techniques.
  • Postproduction: The mix and/or the mastering.


  • Artist identity: This is just as important as the music!
  • Visuals: Photography, color palette, logo etc.
  • Digital presence: Social media, streaming platforms, cross-media coherency, digital buzz and a solid fan base etc.
  • Rexius Records: The labels ability to work with more artists within your genre at this time.

How long will it take to give me feedback?

We will give you the feedback in a report within 7 days.

Do you have a refund policy?

If for any reason you didn’t receive your feedback on time, you have the right to request a refund. But first, make sure to check your junk email to verify that our message wasn’t mistaken for spam!

Due to the nature of feedback and the articles within the report, we are not able to give you a refund if you don’t like what you read. Sometimes our honest feedback hurt feelings even though we try to give constructive positive-oriented feedback.

What are your payment methods?

Credit card through Stripe: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB.